: 5 Tips To Have Success With YouTube Ads

= 5 Tips To Have Success With YouTube Ads

 Tip #1 - Use advanced targeting options to segment your audience based on location, age, gender, and other factors.

 This is one of the most important factors when it comes to having success on YouTube, and that's because if you are not putting your ad in front of the right audience, all of your hard-earned efforts will go to waste.

 This is also a great opportunity to think outside of the box.  For example, if you are trying to target men over 50 with a health and wellness offer, you can target by age and gender, and also other interests that older men may follow - like golfing, race cars, fishing, etc.

 Tip #2 - Set up video remarketing campaigns to target users who have viewed your videos before.

 Remarketing campaigns are campaigns that are shown to users who have previously been shown one of your products or ads.  If certain members of your target audience have viewed your campaigns, they are more likely to view another.  It’s also a good way to try and get someone to make a purchase if they didn’t buy the first time around.

 Tip #3 - Using storytelling to invoke emotion is proven to work well in video ads.

 It is estimated that the average person sees 6,000-15,000 ads every single day!  So what is going to make yours stand out?  The key is to meet your audience with emotional relatability, that entices your viewer to not only watch your campaign - but also to act and click through.

 Tip #4 - Segment discovery and in-stream ads into separate campaigns to optimize your analytics.

 Keeping your data streamlined is also another way that you will succeed.  If your metrics get meshed together, it makes it more difficult to see what is working and what isn't.

 Tip #5 - Choose the ad format you decide to use based on your main campaign objective, whether it will be lead generation, brand awareness, or other.


 Different styles of ads have different purposes - and it's important to lock in one key objective for your ad.  If you are trying to capture the information (name, email, phone number) of your target audience through your ad, it is going to have a different call to action than if you are trying to make the sale directly from the ad to your cart  .

 As online marketing adapts and changes, we have to be ready to adapt along with it.  That is why it’s important to stay connected with us so that you can always stay up to date with the industry’s latest trends.
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