For the first time, the explorers reached the 'well of hell', were surprised to see the inside

For the first time, the explorers reached the 'well of hell', were surprised to see the inside

For the first time in Yemen, some explorers went inside the 'well of hell'.  Inside this well he found a swarm of snakes and springs.  This sinkhole means the pit of the ground is also called 'Jinne's Jail' and 'Path to Hades'.  But its official name is Well of Barhout.  This well is 367 feet deep.  For many decades the local people have been afraid to even go near this place.  Because people considered it to be a jinn's prison and a path to Hades.

The diameter of the pit of the Well of Barhout is 98 feet.  It is located in the desert of Al-Mahra province of eastern Yemen, near the border with Oman.  No one had ever gone inside this pit before these explorers of Oman.  When 8 out of 10 explorers of the Omani Caves Exploration Team (OCET) went inside the Well of Barhout, they saw several waterfalls inside.  Apart from this, many herds of snakes live there.

To see this incident, the local people stood outside because of fear.  Mohamed al-Kindi, a member of this team and Geology Professor of the German University of Technology, told that we had a desire to know, so we went inside it.  With this we will also get to know information related to the history of Yemen.

The explorers found waterfalls, snakes, dead animals, stalagmites and pearls in this pit.  But not a single genie or path to Hades was found inside the pit.  However, the exact age of the Well of Barhout is not yet known, how old it is.  But it is believed that its age will be millions of years.  Mohamed al-Kindi told that local people believe that when they go near the pit, it draws people inside.  That's why no one even goes around it out of fear.  Scientifically there is no evidence that it draws in.

University of South Florida sinkhole expert Philip van Beenen said that there are many types of sinkholes.  The most common sinkholes are Collapse or Subsidence.  When the layer below the ground disintegrates, the soil above collapses and a crater is formed.  This is called collaps.  When the upper layer of the earth gradually sinks and makes a big crater, then it is called subsidence.  Philip said that it is difficult to tell right now which of these two processes have been constructed for the Well of Barhout.

The searchers of OCET found different things in different layers inside the Well of Barhout.  Somewhere snakes, somewhere waterfalls, somewhere a deep layer of pearls and somewhere a thick layer of calcium carbonate.  Geologist Leslie Melim of the University of Western Illinois said that it is expected that this sinkhole may have been formed by soil moving due to water flowing from different layers of the land.  There are many types of minerals in this pit, which are helping in the formation of pearls.  The production of pearls in pits is extremely rare.  Because they can only become the bottom layer of the pits.  But in the Well of Barhout, they were also seen on the walls.

The explorers noticed that water streams and springs are coming out from many places in the Well of Barhout.  The height of some waterfalls is up to 213 feet.  There is a huge amount of Algae around these waterfalls.  There are a huge number of snakes, frogs and beetles inside the pit.  Carcasses and skeletons of many dead creatures and birds were also seen.  The stench that is produced due to their rotting, due to which the foul smell keeps coming over the pit.  That's why the local people have been hesitant to go around it.

The team of OCET took many types of samples from the Well of Barhout.  In which water, soil, moss, pearls, remains of dead organisms are included.  So that it can be found that how old is this sinkhole.  How many types of minerals are there in it?  When did the dead creatures die?  When were pearls made?  Can they be removed in future or not?  Or how these samples can be used for further research and discovery.

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