These Websites Suffered the Most Outages Over the Past Year

These Websites Suffered the Most Outages Over the Past Year
Game websites and services had the most trouble staying online, with 211 total outages.
Our most important personal information resides within the servers of Big Tech.  If a problem takes down a website, our pictures, videos, games, bank statements, and profiles are inaccessible.  Ever wondered which websites and services are the most prone to outages?  ToolTester used data collected over the past 12 months by Downdetector to figure it out.

 The biggest takeaway was that game sites had the most trouble staying online, with 211 total outages.  PC gamers were hit with 99 blackouts this past year when trying to use Steam, thanks to problems with the website and online gaming servers.  Xbox owners suffered through 63 outages affecting Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network was hit with 49 outages.

 Add the fact that Discord, a chat service popularized by the gaming community, experienced the most outages over the past year, with 129 blackouts in total.  Then there's YouTube, which is popular among game streamers, with 65 outages.  Gamers are far from the only users hit with outages, but they sure seem to suffer a disproportionate amount.

 Social media services have also suffered over the past 12 months.  Instagram had 81 blackouts, the third-most of any service and the most of any traditional social platform.  Meanwhile, Twitter went down 54 times, Snapchat 46 times, Facebook 41 times, and TikTok 30 times.

 The news wasn't all bad for US users.  Website outage numbers are almost all worse in the UK.  And a few services performed admirably by comparison: Google Maps, WhatsApp, Slack, Microsoft, Amazon Prime, and Google Drive were all among the top-10 websites with the fewest outages.
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