How will my life change if I do 200 push-ups every day?

How will my life change if I do 200 push-ups every day?
Weight loss-learn more

To add to the answers already provided— you will have a disproportionately built chest and shoulders compared to your back. Not only will this look a little weird, but you’ll have some problems maintaining proper posture (i.e. it’ll be hard to keep your shoulder blades retracted). This will lead to a slouch, sorta like Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

So just remember to throw in some pull ups or something, or else you might end up looking a bit like this.

By doing push ups, all the muscles of your body get exercised simultaneously, so let's know about the benefits of pushups,

Doing pushups is beneficial for your health in every way.  By doing this continuously, your weight loss will also be good.  This is a very simple exercise that everyone can do easily. Pushups are an exercise that targets your chest, shoulders, triceps, core and legs. Pushups strengthen the abs, shoulders, chest and triceps.  This is one of the best exercises for the upper body.

 The best thing about pushups is that if you do it, then all the muscles of your body get exercised simultaneously, due to which you get many health benefits.  The special thing is that you can do pushups easily at home and keep your body fit without any problem.  In such a situation, let us know what are the benefits of doing pushups daily.

1. Weight is less

Pushups are a fat burning exercise and if you do it every day, it reduces your weight rapidly.  Actually, while doing this, a lot of energy is used.  In such a situation, it proves helpful in reducing weight.  So if you want to lose weight then you must do pushups.

 2. Flexible body

 If you want your flexible body, then you should do pushups, while doing this, the body goes down, then the back muscles are stretched, which comes upwards, then the biceps muscles are stretched.  By doing this your body becomes flexible.  Pushups not only make your body flexible but also make the body strong.

 3. Increases Testosterone

 Testosterone is the sex hormone found inside men, this hormone makes men's body more beautiful, strong and makes an important contribution in the improvement of sex related problems.  Therefore, by doing pushups regularly, the production capacity of testosterone in men increases.

 4. Keeps the Heart Healthy

 If you want to reduce the risk of heart disease, then you must do pushups.  A research has shown that pushups reduce the risk of heart disease to a great extent, so you must learn it and start doing it from today itself.

 5. Good for Muscles

 By doing pushups, all the muscles of the body are stressed, due to which many parts of your body benefit simultaneously.  New muscles are also formed when done regularly. While doing pushups, many muscles are activated simultaneously which increases the working capacity of our more

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