How can I delete Waypoint in the CJ?

How can I delete Waypoint in the CJ?

 first of all, I am very new to any flight sim.  I just cracked 40 flight hours which included a lot of messing around with friends in small airplanes.

 I started flying the CJ4 now more frequently.  I like it because it provides a little challenge while not being overly complicated (I watched a couple of youtube videos to come to thos conclusion ) and i really like these business jets.

 Now to the problem:

 I tried to approach JFK using ILS RWY 32L coming from appr.  South South East
 I used the AP and planned my flight in the World view or wahtever its called before you load into the scenario.  When getting close to the Approach I noticed there is a waypoint (SIE) in my Flight Plan which i already passed a while ago which led the plane to turn around completely to fly back.  I tried to clear the Waypoint, sadly without success.  Happened again after reloading the more

 So is it possible to remove a waypoint from my Flightplan during the flight?

 Sorry for the long post,

 Greetings Sven

it wouldn't keep the flight plan i was planning in the world map view

 Okay understand.

 But there's an option to IMPORT the flight plan that you have done in the World View or even SimBrief.  It's part of the FMS functionality that works well in the WT CJ4.

 Regarding the turning back to SIE, I believe that's a known sim bug.

 If that happens on the stock CJ4, you can use HDG to turn towards the IF (ZACHS) and then when on LOC turn on the APP.

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